International Workshop on
Constrained Quantum Matter

22-25 September 2025

Monastery Hotel Ettal

Ettal Monastery

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Mölchlein (2011), 
Link URL: (21.10.24)

Table of Contents


Magnetic Band Topology, Entagled States of Matter, Non-equilibrium Dynamics

List of confirmed invited speakers

List of tentative invited speakers

Travel Information

The TRR360 International Conference will take place at the hotel of the Ettal Monastery in Ettal in the beautiful Alps.

Klosterhotel Ettal

Kaiser-Ludwig-Platz 1

82488 Ettal

The hotel can be reached via car or public transport.


Via public transport:

To reach Ettal with public transport a train must be taken to München-Pasing and there the RB6 to Garmisch-Patenkirchen can be taken to the train station Oberau. From there a shuttle will be organized that will drive the last 10 minutes up to the venue.

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. István Kézsmárki (University of Augsburg)

Prof. Dr. Frank Pollmann (TU Munich)

Dr. Eva Benckiser (MPI for solid-state research, Stuttgart)

Prof. Dr. Markus Heyl (University of Augsburg)

Prof. Dr. Michael Knap (TU Munich)

Prof. Dr. Johannes Knolle (TU Munich)

Prof. Dr. Christine Kuntscher (University of Augsburg)

Prof. Dr. Christian Pfleiderer (TU Munich)

Prof. Dr. Alexander Tsirlin (University of Leipzig)

Prof. Dr. Philipp Gegenwart (University of Augsburg)

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Keimer (MPI for solid-state research, Stuttgart)

Prof. Dr. Hidenori Tagaki (MPI for solid-state research, Stuttgart)

Local Organizers

Dr. Michael Kinyanjui (University of Augsburg)

Dr. Ina-Marie Pietsch (University of Augsburg)

Dr. Lilian Prodan (University of Augsburg)

Dr. Franz Mayr (University of Augsburg)

PD Dr. Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda (University of Augsburg)

André Deyerling (TU Munich)

Josef Willsher (TU Munich)


(only for invited speakers and members of the TRR360)


For any questions you might have you can contact:


                  Michael Kinyanjui                                                                               Ina Pietsch