Collaborative Research Center 360

Constrained Quantum Matter

Less is more!
We use carefully chosen constraints to design and manipulate quantum states in solids, seeking to create new quantum materials and explore conceptual challenges from quantum information theory to non-equilibrium physics.

Next year will be the TRR360 International Conference in September 2025. Go here to find out about the details!

2025 James C. McGroddy Prize awarded to Hidenori Takagi

We are very proud to announce that one member of the TRR360, Hidenori Tagaki from the MPI for solid-state research in Stuttgart, will be awarded with the 2025 James C. McGroody Prize for New Materials. He is honoured “for seminal theoretical and experimental research, materials design and discoveries that pioneered the exploration of novel forms of topological quantum matter in spin-orbit assisted Mott insulators realized in transition metal oxides”. The prize will be presented in March 2025.

Next events

Recent Articles

Prodan, L.; Chmeruk, A.; Chioncel, L.; Tsurkan, V.; Kézsmárki, I.

Anisotropic charge transport in the easy-plane kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn Journal Article

Phys. Rev. B 110, 094407, 2024.

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Chen, L.; Sun, Y.; Mankovsky, S.; Meier, T. N. G.; Kronseder, M.; Sun, C.; Orekhov, A.; Ebert, H.; Weiss, D.; Back, C. H.

Signatures of magnetism control by flow of angular momentum Journal Article

Nature 633, 548–553, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Que, X.; He, Q.; Zhou, L.; Lei, S.; Schoop, L.; Huang, D.; Takagi, H.

Visualizing p-orbital texture in the charge-density-wave state of CeSbTe Unpublished

2024, arXiv.2408.07351.

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Hemmida, M.; Masell, J.; Karube, K.; Ehlers, D.; von Nidda, H. -A. Krug; Tsurkan, V.; Tokura, Y.; Taguchi, Y.; Kézsmárki, I.

Role of magnetic anisotropy in the antiskyrmion-host schreibersite magnets Journal Article

Phys. Rev. B 110, 054416, 2024.

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Impressions from past events

The research programme

We seek to design and utilize new quantum states by taking advantage of the recently developed capability to tailor electron systems in complex materials through a variety of complementary constraints, focusing on spin-momentum locking, gauge structures of interacting spin systems, and kinetic constraints.


Here you can find all the important news around the project ConQuMat: recent publication, internal events for project members and opening for various positions.

Outreach - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Dive with us into the fascinating world of quantum matter! (science communication offers in German)

Es gibt viele Angebote, um die Forschung aus dem Projekt ConQuMat der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Egal ob durch einen Blog, Spiele oder Erlebnisveranstaltungen – tauchen Sie mit uns in die faszinierende Welt der Quantenmaterie ein!