Equity and Diversity

Equity and Diversity is something that has great importance for the TRR360. Allthough we know that we are far from being an society with equal chances for everyone, we want to try our part by walking into the right direction. The inequality can be seen in the composition of our transregio very clearly. People from non-academic families, mothers, people of color, queer people as well as disabled people cannot be found as many in the TRR360 as among students, let alone in our society. The complete list with discriminating factors is of course is a lot longer. We as a transregio try to find ways to achieve a more diverse research team inside our project. We educate ourselves in this regard, giving us the chance to prevent stereotypical thinking and to learn about the value of a research made by everyone.


The most obvious mismatch between the composition of the society and our project is is the number of female scientists. Since the field of physics is generally very short of women, supporting the women inside the TRR360 as well as trying to encourage and hire competent female researchers on all levels is an important stone in our equity and diversity house. Once young female scientists are part of the TRR360, special training is provided to help them with their career. There is also an awareness of the needs and difficulties of working fathers and mothers. We offer child care for larger events and try to avoid, if possible, meetings in the late afternoon and evening. We are trying to create an working environment were everyone feels included and supported no matter how they are and where they are from.

Equity and Diversity measures at the participating institutions

Each participating institution itself has measures on how it tries to increase the gender equity and diversity. This overview provides links that can be used to find out more about these measures at each institution.


University of Augsburg:


University of Munich:


MPI Stuttgart:


University of Leipzig


Equity and Diversity events in the TRR360

To foster awareness for the topic of equity and diversity as well as to support our female young researchers, several events have been planned throughout the first funding period of the TRR360. These are listed below and will be updated from time to time.

Professional selection and recruitment in Academia with a special focus on gender and diversity aspects

Jan 2024 - Dr. Maike Lauggas

A very important step where the biases of ones own prejudices stand in the way of making the research group more divers is the recruitment of new members. In this workshop the group leaders of the TRR360 were educated about the importance and advantages of diverse teams and could discuss how these aspects can be incorporated into their application processes.

Equality and diversity workshop

Aug 2024 - Dr. Anne Graefer

During the course of our 3-day MGK Workshop, we spend 4 hours discussing the topic of equality and diversity in academia with our young researchers. We talked about unconcious bias as well as the advantage of having people with diverse backgrounds in academia. Practical strategies to work against one’s own unconcious bias were introduced.

Workshop for young female researchers: Strong and confident in the application process

Oct 2024 - Britta Corneließen

To prepare our young female researchers for application processes in academia or industry, this workshop means to create more awareness of their strengths and work on their self-eficacy.

Equity and diversity talk and discussion at the international conference of the TRR360

Sept 2025

Still in the planning phase.

The TRR360 gender equality coordinators

Dr. Ina-Marie Pietsch

University of Augsburg

Prof. Frank Pollmann

Technical University of Munich

Dr. Mari-Carmen Bañuls

MPI for Quantum Optics

in Garching