TRR 360 Seminar:

Exploring quantum impurities and measurement backaction via tensor-networks

Oded Zilberberg

Technical University Munich + Zoom

Exploring quantum impurities and measurement backaction via tensor-networks Oded Zilberberg Universität Konstanz Tensor networks allow us to compress and efficiently represent one-dimensional many-body states. This relies on truncating small correlations and entanglement along the system's length. At the same time, the representation provides easy access to these correlations. My talk will be divided into three […]

MGK industry visit

Attocube Systems AG Eglfinger Weg 2, Haar, Germany

Interested MGK young researchers can visit two leading companies in quantum technologies in Munich. The first one is Attocube Systems AG (Eglfinger Weg 2, 85540 Haar,, which is known for its precision nanopositioning systems. We will meet there at 1 pm. At 4 pm the second tour starts at the Kiutra GmbH (Flößergasse 2, […]