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TRR 360 Sonderseminar:
Structure and magnetism of LMO/SMO superlattices
Vasily Moshnyaga
June 11, 2024 @ 16:00 – 17:00
Structure and magnetism of LMO/SMO superlattices
Prof. Dr. Vasily Moshnyaga
I. Physikalisches Institut
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Heterostructures of strongly correlated oxides, like superlattices (SLs) of (LaMnO3)m/(SrMnO3)n ((LMO)m/(SMO)n), provide a rich platform for searching emergent phases at the interfaces as well as to design artificial electronically/chemically inhomogeneous materials to study the manifestations of electron-spin-lattice correlations in reduced dimensions. We studied the structure and magnetism of the LMO/SMO SLs prepared on SrTiO3(100) substrates by metalorganic aerosol deposition (MAD) technique. The role of interfacial charge transfer in the high-TC emergent ferromagnetism and the interrelations between the octahedral tilt/rotation angle, controlled by LMO/SMO ratio, and magnetic/thermal properties have been elucidated. Further on, we have grown LMO/SMO SLs with gradual La/Sr compositional modulations on the scale 5-10 u.c. and studied their role in the development of high- and low-temperature magnetic phases. We propose a route to grow strongly correlated heterostructures with modulated electronic properties at the nanoscale.