B4: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy on quantum spin liquids and Weyl semimetals
Norbert Büttgen, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda
Electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance serve as site selective probes of the dynamic susceptibility in constrained quantum matter. In triangular and Kitaev magnets these techniques are applied in search for signatures of fractionalized excitations and entanglement characteristic of quantum-spin liquids. In magnetic topological semimetals anomalies in the electronic density of states at the Fermi level and their variation with magnetic field can be resolved, complementing spectroscopic studies in other projects in revealing information about band topology.
2023 |
Tóth, B.; Amelin, K.; Rõõm, T.; Nagel, U.; Bauernfeind, A.; Tsurkan, V.; Prodan, L.; von Nidda, H. -A. Krug; Scheffler, M.; Kézsmárki, I.; others, Broadband magnetic resonance spectroscopy in MnSc2S4 Journal Article Sci. Rep. 13, 11069, 2023, Publisher: Nature Publishing Group UK London. @article{toth_broadband_2023, Recent neutron scattering experiments suggested that frustrated magnetic interactions give rise to antiferromagnetic spiral and fractional skyrmion lattice phases in MnSc2S4. Here, to trace the signatures of these modulated phases, we studied the spin excitations of MnSc2S4 by THz spectroscopy at 300 mK and in magnetic fields up to 12 T and by broadband microwave spectroscopy at various temperatures up to 50 GHz. We found a single magnetic resonance with frequency linearly increasing in field. The small deviation of the Mn2+ ion g-factor from 2 |